Sunday, January 2, 2011


Possession is 9/10 of the law, according to the old saying.  Today, according to my two male dogs, possession of me is most important.  I have a McKenzie Husky and a young Maremma.  The Maremma was supposed to be guarding sheep but liked to follow other dogs home.  His owners dropped him off at their vet with orders to euthanize or whatever.  He is a good guy.  They just both want me, and don't want to share.

Initially I thought it was just a question of dominance quibbling.  My bf pointed out my error....after the yelping, growling, blood spattering (no serious injuries) fight, as I approached the door to the kitchen, the husky got extremely upset.  Keep in mind that the Maremma had used him to mop the floor just a few minutes previously.

I know the husky is very possessive of me in particular...when I had him over visiting some friends, he nipped the little girl on the arm for jumping on me and trying to wrestle.  He had been lying quietly on the floor as I requested both before and after the incident. Another example is putting him to bed.  I have a bed for him at the foot of my bed, and clip him to a tie there for the night.  If I am not in bed, he will not settle down and be quiet.  He will yowl, pace and generally make a total nuisance of himself.  He likes to lie in my study room while I am working, and has made a pest of himself after the fight until I settled down in here (and of course, he flopped himself down on his pad and is sulking).

The Maremma would love to do all of the same things.  But I don't let him.  He is really big.  As in small pony size.  And my study room is just too stinkin little. 

I wasn't aware of how intensely the Maremma is feeling his hormones.  He is going to get an appointment to be snipped this upcoming week.  The husky has been snipped for years, but with all the drama of school, I haven't had time to deal with him.

I am feeling rather annoyed, especially since I have a 6 hour exam on Monday afternoon and this took up an hour of my valuable time.  Lesson learned....drama boys need to be separated. 

And we are going to the vet in a few hours, since it is 3 am.  SIGH.

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