I spent the weekend curled up in a ball on the couch with my neck and my shoulders on fire. It was literally everywhere I have my trapezius muscle. Everywhere.
I <3 Wikipedia 24/7 bc they always have what I need!
It hurt insanely. I took otc pain pill after pill, trying to just get the edge of it off. The amount of pain would not change. I felt as if there were hooks inserted under my skin and were pulling chunks of tissue off of my back. I yawned when I took my Bicillin shot because it didn't even come close to how my back felt. (That, FYI, is insanity.)
I thought about going to the local clinic for some better pain meds. Then I thought about how it was going to be a total PITA to try and get soemone to believe me. I thought about calling my regular doctor. To do so I could have to rotate my head...no. I would NOT do that.
So I spent 48 hours with my head and neck swathed in a heating pad, heating blanket, or ice pack, depending on the time. And then, just as mysteriously as it started, the pain slipped away. This morning it had dialed itself down from a 15 (in a scale of 1-10) to about a 4. As I got up and carefully drank coffee and ate some pistachios and a banana, it eased back a bit more. Now, there is still an occasional twinge, but that inability to move anywhere is gone.
That is the fun of Lyme. You never know when or where or how it will hit. As it has been quite some time since I had my last attack like that, I really am wondering about its oh so convenient onset after my doxycycline pulse. Oh yes.
As I have four exams coming up next week, I am not even going to consider pulsing doxy again until they are damn well over with. I honestly cannot be waking up with that magnitude of pain out of the blue. I can manage if I don't have something absolutely necessary to do, but yick, I am not playing Lyme Roulette!
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