I finished the week of awfulness today, passing the OPP checkout with a 10/12. I was beyond gleeful when my head to toe practical yesterday was rescheduled to the weather forecast of snowzilla (which didn't happen, double yay). I think my physio test went ok but the neuro was definitely *not good*. The grades are out, but I honestly have not checked and am not in the mood to do so right now. I know the neuro is going to make me want to curl up in bed and not get out. Ever.
This week really made me wonder why I am doing this to myself. Medical school is not cool. It is not fun. It is a variety of torture in which you cram insane amounts of information into your brain and hopefully spit it out again correctly. This is difficult enough when your brain works right, much less when your brain is like mine and does not.
So I am really upset because I am thinking that I will have to remediate neuroanatomy this summer. There are only two exams in the class, and if I really blew up this one, then there is just no way to recover. That thought has been really depressing me this week, and it carried over into my clinical skills written. Just yuck.
The only slightly good news is that the recovery period from this exam round was really a lot shorter than the previous ones. I only had one day of having to sleep 20 hours, and albeit grumpy today, was able to pass the last exam ok. I got my calendar and planner sorted out for the next exam, and touched base with a different (and better) learning advisor to help me work on strategy and whatnot. (I was having definite issues with the other one!!)
Tomorrow, homework.
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