Monday, February 28, 2011

Maybe it was something I ate...

Because in the space of a weekend, I have gone completely nocturnal.  Not just oh, I like to study late and then go to bed.  No.  Try I like to start my actual thinking day at 4 pm and don't feel like sleeping until it is very bright outside.  Hearing roosters crowing while I am studying is feeling normal. 

Is this Flagyl?  Is this like a preview of a psycho upcoming Herx? 

I don't know.  I honestly don't know if I am giving a flying fig, because I feel like my study time is being productive.  For example: last night I was doing some renal, and thinking to myself that while the professor was talking about how this was difficult conceptually, my favorite physics topic was non-Euclidean geometry.  Interactive thingy to show difference  explanation 1 explanation 2  It is really weird stuff, but very cool to think about. 

While med school is hard, it ain't no Lobachevskian geometry (yeah, not technically correct, but who cares??). :)

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