Saturday, March 12, 2011


The amazing footless wonder. 
Alternative title: why my old chickencoop sucks in cold weather.
Or: why young chickens are stoopid, and get their feet wet in like zero degrees, and stand out in the snow until they get psycho frostbite all over their feet, and their feet like die and fall off, and I so don't need pet chicken number 4, but when you have that many, what does another matter? 

I need to make a prize for run-on sentences and award it to myself.  'Cause despite my bacc'l degree in English, I can still writes myself an awesome one. 

Anyway.  Girlfriend's main priority today is keeping me company while I study for the 3 exams that separate me from official I-am-staying-home-all-week, also known as Spring Break for other students that do not have Lyme. 

But...on the HARDEST exam of year one, the monstrous renal physiology exam, I made an 85%.  That is a B enroute to an A, fellow peeps.  A fabulous B.  A pimptastic B. 

And after that score, I honestly did not give a flying patootie that I was sick for the balance of the week.  Who cares if my Tuesday was Migraine Day, that Wednesday was Migraine Hangover+Flagyl Issues Two'fer instead of Hump Day, that my should have been humdrum Thursday with annoying OPP checkout turned into Baby Horse was colicky, I ate nothing until 7 pm, got sick and sniffly in lab (due in large part, I think, to prof getting upset that I was describing cranial flexion as expansion instead of lengthening towards the feet...welllll, there is no huge expansion in stride length combined with a power increase, so it ain't a lengthening in my book, thanx), and wanted to jump off a bridge day? 

Nah. Baby Horse was ok, and I made an 85 on the hardest exam of first year. 

And only 3 exams are between me and a week of being sick with no responsibilities.  Yes. 

1 comment:

  1. I dont have spring breaks either...I always have to work...horsies expensive! I am mega J ( a little) of ppl who get to go to Fl or whatever but at the same time they don't have horses either and I do, nah nah nah :P
    Nice on the exams :)
